After being on the Hall of Fame ballot for the last 9 years and 22 glorious seasons on the baseball diamond, Andre Dawson has been elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Dawson was the only player to be voted in by the BBWAA. Bert Blyleven barely missed out with 74.2%, falling 5 votes shy.
I believe Dawson should have been a long time ago. 8 time all-star, 8 time gold glover, 4 time Silver Slugger winner. Oh ya, forgot to mention his 1977 Rookie of the Year award and his 1987 MVP award. Ya ya, I know what you’re thinking, you think I’m being bias?? Well, you’re right I’m a Cubs fan!
One thing is for sure, not very many people played the game as hard as the Hawk did, and he still has the bad knees to prove it. He played baseball for the love of the game. Andre signed a blank contract for the Cubs before his first season with the team and the Cubs GM, Dallas Green, filled it out for $500,000 making him the second lowest paid player on the team (ESPN.com). 162 games later, MVP!
After the 1987 season, Andre signed his autographs with “87 MVP” underneath is name, He can now forever change that autograph to HOF 2010.
I’ve always wanted to go to a Hall of Fame ceremony and visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame museum, now I finally have a great reason to go! Congratulations Hawk!! See ya in Cooperstown!
Lifetime .279 Avg? Only 4 season hit over .300. Only 438 Career home runs. Seems like they were stretching to get someone elected this year. Before you get your cubbie underware all worked up compare these numbers.
Lifetime .269 Avg. Played 16 seasons. 12 time All-Star. 1 gold glove. 3 time silver slugger winner. Rookie of the year. Oh yea 583 HOME RUNS, but yet will never be elected.
ya, 438 CLEAN homeruns.
Mark McGwire *****583***** dirty homeruns!!
MM had 1,414 RBIs and hit 145 more dirty homeruns than A.D.
A.D. had 1,591 RBIs.
MM= 1 gold glove
AD= 8 gold gloves
MM= 3 silver slugger
AD= 4 silver slugger
AD= career average .279
MM= .263 career average. not .269, get your stats right.
AD= 5 tool player
MM= 2 tool player
Dawson did all this on his own, your boy MM did steriods all throughout his career and still doesnt have the numbers dawson has.
and your right "anonymous" he wont be elected into the hall because people who cheat dont deserve to be in the hall.
its for people who played it right not for people who had to take steriods to get their stats!!
you can't convince me anyone in the game is "clean". Besides why are you getting all excited since he will be entering the Hall of Fame as a Montreal Expos player.
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